We offer seven kinds of CORN FLAKES: CORN FLAKES Classic, CORN FLAKES Fit – created for fit people, CORN FLAKES Honey & nuts and CORN FLAKES Frosted and CORN FLAKES Choco - for those who think highly of healthy and balanced diet loving sweet taste at the same time. GLUTEN-FREE corn flakes are two versions of the flakes: with the addition of whole grain corn flour and the other with the addition of sprouted corn flour. ORGANIC FIT corn flakes (without added sugar and with freeze-dried strawberries. SPORTINA (Active, Fruits, Be Fit) is composed of delicious healthy flakes of which the basis is the whole grain. The flakes have been produced with the fit people in mind as well as those who value healthy and balanced diet. The new wholegrain flakes SONATINA make three masterful flavour compositions. The high content of natural wheat and bran origin fibre composes harmonious consonance with the taste of big pieces of apples and strawberries as well as blueberries cranberries and black currants. Rich in vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates SONATINA flakes are just perfectly composed portion of health for each day. SUPER OATS! Delicious and crunchy flakes made of 100% whole grain oats - the only one on the market.
Delicate in taste and irresistibly delicious at the same time – such are the CORN FLAKES produced by OBST. Since they are made of natural ingredients they constitute a perfect beginning of the day. Nutritious, rich in vitamins and micronutrients CORN FLAKES will help you deliver all the necessary nutrients. They taste perfect with milk or yoghurt – see for yourself!
If you've been avoiding gluten and skipping cornflakes, things are about to change. Now we offer gluten-free cornflakes. When you open a package of crispy, golden cornflakes, you'll see that they look the same and taste just as good - without gluten. Our gluten-free corn flakes are crunchy and delicious - just like the original version! Enjoy them with milk or add them to yogurt for extra crunch.
OBST S.A. is one of the leading Polish producers of organic food, in our case corn flakes.
This group of products consists of brands like: SPORTINA: SPORTINA active – wholegrain wheat flakes with rice; SPORTINA fruits – wholegrain wheat flakes with rice and fruits; SPORTINA be fit – wholegrain bran flakes; SONATINA: three masterful compositions of wholegrain bran flakes with lyophilised fruits or nuts; 7 GRAINS – wholegrain flakes made of seven nutritious and tasty grains; SUPER OAT – wholegrain oat flakes. Each product is a perfect idea for a balanced breakfast to nourish your brain and begin your day in full force.